segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2009

My first English class... and a new challenge

This month I completed 10 years as an English teacher! So I decided to write a bit about my life in this period.

My first class was a Kids group in March/1999, at CNA Vila Formosa. Since then, I've had many groups of all levels and ages, working for CNA, Aliança Brasil-EUA, Wisdom, Seven and Wizard. Besides, I've taught for about two years in-company classes, at Gerdau, IOB Thomson and Shopping Anália Franco. I've also had a few private students.
In these 10 years, I graduated in college (Journalism), I got the certificates FCE, CAE, CPE and TKT, I've become a TOEIC applicator and I'm currently attending the ICELT course. I've also traveled abroad a few times (once to the USA, twice to Europe, and once to Argentina and Uruguay).

I've never stopped teaching, but I worked as a full-time journalist between 2002 and 2005 at Eco Editorial, and since then I still do some freelance jobs, not so often though. This year, in an attempt to join even more my two careers, I started this blog.
In all these years, I've studied Spanish, stopped, studied again, and now I'm finishing my Advanced course (for the second time, actually). I've also studied Italian for two years, and French for a month... but I'll come back, I promise myself.
And now it comes my new challenge, but let's change the language...

Diez años después de mi primera clase de Inglés, empezé a dar clases de Español en Wizard. Mi primer grupo es un libro 1, con 6 alumnos, adultos. Me gusta mucho dar clases de Español también, aunque tenga dificuldad con la "tecla SAP" de vez en cuando... Pero creo que enseñar es la mejor forma de aprender, de mejorar siempre, de buscar novedades y dedicarse cada vez más. Quiero seguir con las clases de Inglés y Español, pero siempre estoy abierta a nuevas posibilidades.

What about you? What have you done in the past ten years? Write in the blog!
¿Y tú, que has hecho en los últimos diez años? Escríbelo en el blog!