sábado, 23 de maio de 2009

Entertainment and Politics

Today I attended a seminar at Faculdade Cásper Líbero, where I studied, about "Entertainment and Politics", given by my ex-teacher Luís Mauro de Sá Martino. Can you make a connection between these two topics? Well, there's much more than we think at "first sight".
A recent and clear example is Obama's election in the USA. He was elected, in some way, because he knew how to use the media effectively to promote his name, using not only TV, but different channels on the Internet (personal website, YouTube, emails) and even comic books! He was "connected" with most part of his electorate through the same media that these people use in their free time, as entertainment.
Here in Brazil it's not difficult to see how politics and entertainment are "mixed" as well, considering the fact that we elected Frank Aguiar, Netinho and Clodovil (God or the devil be with him!) and almost had Silvio Santos as our president!
What do you think of this association of politicians and the media? Write your comments!