quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010

First anniversary and 300 posts!

Happy anniversary to my blog! Today it's completing 1 year and 300 posts! Yes, I did it on purpose, to celebrate both events together :-)

In this first year, these are the numbers:

* 29 interviews
* 6.712 visits
* 5.059 visitors
* 16.551 pageviews

The most popular posts were:

* Vídeos gratuitos em inglês - 2.073 pageviews

*Jack Scholes interview - 489 pageviews

* Denilso de Lima interview - 415 pageviews

* William Chaves interview - 272 pageviews

* Como arrumar tempo para o Inglês - 183 pageviews

Hope you enjoyed reading my blog so far and keep on checking its updates! Write to me and give more suggestions to be posted.

Source: Google Analytics