sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

E-learning and digital cultures - Week1

Getting to the end of week 1 of my first online course - E-learning and Digital Cultures, from The University of Edinburgh, and the general feeling is that it's a very interesting course, although I did feel overwhelmed (so did many other colleagues, it seems).

The main difficulty is not actually reading the texts, even though there were five, or watching the short films, but trying to get update with most of the discussions going on in the forums, the posts in Twitter and blogs, plus all the other suggestions for extra reading, other videos and so on that everyone keeps on posting. Obviously it's impossible to follow everything, but sometimes we (at least I did) have the impression that we are missing something.

Besides, this first week was the hardest, I hope, because I was getting used to the online format of the course, to the website itself and trying to take a look at all digital tools suggested for the final assignment, about which I haven't even started thinking yet.

Well, with so much going on, I though it was hard to reflect deeply and write about each text we read, and even harder to create something digital, as I'm much more of writing than working with images. So, I decided to use one of the suggested tools (www.wordle.net), which I found the easiest one, and just create "word clouds" for each of the texts, and a general one, including all the of them. I believe by looking at these images we can recall the most important points of each text and, mainly, reflect about what they have in common and how they differ.

Text 1 - Chandler, D. (2002). Technological determinism. Web essay, Media and Communications Studies, University of Aberystwyth.
  Wordle: E-learning-text1

Text 2 - Dahlberg, L (2004). Internet Research Tracings: Towards Non-Reductionist Methodology. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 9/3
Wordle: E-learning-text2

Text 3 - Daniel, J. (2002). Technology is the Answer: What was the Question? Speech from Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa, Paris, Institut du Monde Arabe, 27-29 May 2002.
Wordle: E-learning-text3

Text 4 - Noble. D. (1998). Digital Diploma Mills: The Automation of Higher Education. First Monday 3/1.
Wordle: E-learning-text4

Text 5 - Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, 9/5.
Wordle: E-learning-text5

General word cloud
Wordle: E-learning-general

What's your view on that?