sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

Blog da Disal - Ensinando Inglês com Vídeos do YouTube

Ensinando Inglês com vídeos do YouTube:

Por Vanessa Prata*

Dando sequência à série de recursos variados para ensinar inglês, vamos ver alguns vídeos disponíveis no YouTube que podem ser usados para aulas de gramática e conversação, além, é claro, de treinar listening skills. São apenas alguns exemplos, mas podem servir de inspiração para que você prepare outras atividades semelhantes (e compartilhe conosco!)

The Pink Panther
Video: The Pink Panther
Suggested objectives / topics: Discuss learning problems / Order food and drink in a restaurant
Suggested levels: Basic and Pre-intermediate
Scene: the whole video from Youtube, which lasts 1min54

Before you watch, discuss this question with a partner:
- In your opinion, what’s the most difficult thing about learning English or any other language?

Answer the questions while you watch the scene:
1 – What’s the sentence inspector Clouseau is trying to say?
I’d like to buy a hamburger

2 – What difficulties does he have to say this sentence?
He can’t say it, he has problems to pronounce the words.

3 – How does the teacher try to help him?
She repeats the sentence, she breaks the sentence into words and syllables, she asks him to repeat word by word.

4 – How would you describe him as a student?
(sample) He has much difficulty, but he's dedicated, he doesn't want to quit, he pays attention to the teacher, but he can’t notice what he’s doing wrong.

Now, create a dialog ordering food and drink in a restaurant. You can use some of these sentences:

What would you like to eat / drink? / Are you ready to order?
I’d like ________________ / I’ll have _________________
Anything else? / Would you like _____________?
How much is it? / How much is all?
Suggested extra activities based on the movie:
- Ss discuss their learning difficulties / problems
- Ss discuss how the teacher can help them and how they can help themselves to learn English
- Ss prepare posters with pictures of typical food from different countries

The House of Tomorrow
Cartoon: The House of Tomorrow (YouTube -
Suggested objectives / topics: There is/there are / Housing
Suggested levels: Basic
Scene: the whole cartoon, which lasts 6min51

Before you watch, discuss these questions with a partner
- Do you like your house? Describe it to your partner.
- What would you like to change in your house?

As you watch the cartoon, write at least 5 sentences about the House of Tomorrow, following the models:

In the House of Tomorrow, there is an entrance for each member of the family. There are many modern appliances. There is an automatic sandwich maker.

More sample answers
There is a TV screen for each member of the family. There are stuffed animals on the walls of the room. There is an armchair that adapts itself automatically for each member of the family. There is a machine that shaves automatically.

Now, discuss these questions with your partner:
- How do you imagine the houses of the future will be? Will there be robots working for us? Will there be many automatic appliances? Which ones?

Suggested extra activities based on the movie:
- Ss draw their “dream house” or how they imagine “the house of the future” will be like and describe it to their partners.
- Discuss with the students the cultural aspect of the “mother-in-law” in different cultures. In the cartoon, there are many jokes about it. Is it the same in other cultures too?

Elementary Dating
Video: Elementary dating (YouTube -
Suggested objectives / topics: Do’s and Don’ts / Imperatives
Suggested levels: Pre-inter / Inter
Scene: the whole video, which lasts 7min08

Before you watch, discuss these questions with a partner
- Do you think it’s difficult / embarrassing to go on a first date with someone you have have just met?
- Do you think men should pay for everything on the first date or women should split the bill?
- What are some “etiquette rules” on a first date?

As you watch the video, write at least 10 sentences about Do’s and Don’ts on a first date mentioned in the scene. Follow the examples:

Don’t look like an idiot. / Say how beautiful she is.

Don’t be too casual or to keen when you meet her parents. / Don’t overdo when you say goodbye. / Open the car door for her. / Drive carefully. / Don’t eat too fast or too slow. / Eat with moderation. / Don’t lose your cool when you receive the bill. / Put on some music, but don’t brag about your stereo. / Make your guest feel at home.

Now, write your own Do’s and Don’ts lists for the situations below:
- A job interview
- Your wedding day
- Having dinner in your boss’ house

Suggested extra activities based on the movie:
- Ss role play a “first date”, with embarrassing situations
- Ss role play a job interview
- Ss research about etiquette and social customs in other countries