sábado, 5 de março de 2011

9th Southern Cone Tesol Convention

Call for Papers

Closing Date: March 5, 2011

The 9th Southern Cone TESOL Convention "Leading Stars of Teaching" will be held in Curitiba,
Brazil, from July 18 - 20 at PUCPR - Campus Curitiba Prado Velho.

The Academic Committee invites all Southern Cone -TESOLERS - teachers, teacher trainers,
researchers, program administrators, and material writers – to submit proposals for presentations.

The closing date for receipt of proposals is March 5, 2011, but we encourage you to submit your
work as early as possible.
To submit your proposal form, please visit http://www.braztesol.org.br/9scconvention/CallForProposals.aspx.

All proposals will be read by members of the Academic Committee and designated readers, and
notification of acceptance will be sent by mid-April, 2011.
All Brazilian presenters must be either a BRAZ-TESOL member, or a member of any of the APLIEs
(Associacões de Professores de Língua Inglesa) and must register for the convention before
submitting a proposal.

Special Condition - Presenters from other countries do not need to be an associate member but
must register for the convention before submitting a proposal.
• Talks (40 minutes) / Workshops (90 minutes)
• Workshops and talks at BT conventions are usually conducted in English; however, proposals for resentations in Portuguese will be considered.
We're looking forward to receiving your proposals.