segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

5 atividades com filmes

Por Vanessa Prata

Em textos anteriores, já dei aqui algumas sugestões para uso de filmes em sala de aula, mas, como normalmente alunos e professores gostam do tema, proponho mais algumas atividades:

1 - My Best Friend’s Wedding (O Casamento do Meu Melhor Amigo)                    
Objetivos/temas: discutir relacionamentos/praticar Present Perfect
Nível: a partir do intermediário
Cenas: 21-23 (de 1h18min a 1h23min)

Before you watch, discuss these questions with a partner:
- Have you ever fallen in love with your best friend? Do you believe men and women can be "just friends"?
- Have you ever loved two people at the same time? Do you think that’s possible?

As you watch the scenes, answer these questions:
1 – What confession did Julianne make to Michael?

2 – What was Michael’s reaction when his fiancée saw him and Julianne kissing?

3 – Why did George tell Julianne that “she was not the one”?

Now, role play one of these situations, imagining what they would say to each other after these scenes:
- Julianne talking to Michael
- Michael talking to Kimmy
- Julianne talking to Kimmy

2 - Hoodwinked (Deu a Louca na Chapeuzinho)
Objetivos/temas: partes do corpo/problemas de saúde/contos de fadas
Nível: pré-intermediário e intermediário
Cena: 1 (até 2’25”)

Before you watch, write down all parts of the body you can remember in 30 seconds:

 Complete the sentences according to what you hear in the scene:

1 - Your ________ looks really weird, Granny.
2 – I’ve been ___________.
3 –Your ____________ doesn’t move when you talk.
4 – Plastic _____________. Grandma’s had a little work done.
5 – What big ____________ you have!
6 – All the better to scratch my _________ with.
7 – And what big ___________ you have!
8 – And, Granny, what big _________ you have!
9 – Granny, what bad __________ you have!

Now, discuss these questions with a partner:
1 – Do you know the Little Red Riding Hood story? What’s the story?
2 – Is there any difference in the scene shown and the classical story? What differences?
3 – Do you know other fairy tales? Which ones?

3 - L'auberge espagnole (Albergue espanhol)
Objetivos/temas: nacionalidades/formação de perguntas
Nível: básico 2 e pré-intermediário
Cena: 7 (24’30” a 26’45”)

Before you watch, discuss these questions with a partner:

- Do you know Spain? Would you like to visit it?
- Have you ever stayed in a hostel?
- Have you ever shared a room/a house with friends?

Watch the scene and answer these questions:

1 – Why is Xavier being interviewed?

2 – What are the nationalities of the people who already live in that house? And what’s Xavier’s nationality?
3 – Why do they have to share the house with so many people?

4 – What questions do they ask Xavier?

Now, in small groups, imagine you are all going to live together in the same house. Ask questions to get to know each other better.
Do you…              What do you…                  Why do you…                    Are you…             What kind…

4 - Friends – The one where Ross got high (Aquele em que Ross ficou doidão)
Objetivos/temas: celebrações nos EUA e Brasil/Thanksgiving/Tradições 
Nível: pré-intermediário e intermediário
Cena: temporada 6 – disco 2 – de 455” a 810”

Watch the scene and answer the following questions:

1 – What are they celebrating?

2 – How do Americans usually celebrate it?

3 – Why do Ross and Joey want to leave so soon?

Now, discuss these questions in pairs

ü  What other American or British celebrations do you know? Talk about them.
ü  What are the most famous Brazilian holidays and festivals? How do we celebrate them?
ü  What’s your favorite holiday or festival? How do you usually celebrate it?

5 - The Holiday (O Amor Não Tira Férias)
Objetivos/temas: descrever o que há em uma casa/there is x there are/clima 
Nível: básico e pré-intermediário
Cena: 7-8 (de 27min a 32min)

Amanda and Iris have exchanged homes for two weeks. Amanda went to a small town in England and Iris went to Los Angeles.

While you watch the scene, answer the questions
1 – Describe the weather in the city in England and in LA.

2 – Describe Amanda’s house and Iris’s house, using there is / there are. Write at least six sentences.
Ex.: In Amanda’s house, there is a swimming pool. In Iris’s house, there is a fireplace.

3 – How are the women feeling in each other’s house? Why?

Discuss these questions with a partner
- Would you like to exchange homes as shown in the movie? Why (not)?
- What countries would you like to visit?

- What’s your “dream house”?

domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Atividades de inglês online grátis

Conheça o site, que traz diversas sugestões para alunos e professores. Entre os materiais disponíveis estão comerciais e músicas em inglês, lista dos verbos mais comuns e listas de vocabulário (todas com áudio), além de explicações de pontos gramaticais.

sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2014

Cursos no exterior

Procurando cursos no exterior ou acomodação? Confira o site, que reúne em um só lugar inúmeras opções de países e escolas. O site ganhou o STM Star Awards em 2012 e foi indicado novamente em 2013 como Agência Star STM na Europa, prêmio internacional promovido pela revista britânica Study Travel Magazine.