sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009

ICELT's over!

After a very tough and exhausting year, the course ICELT is finally over! Today we had our last class and handed in the last Assignment. Now, we just have to wait for the final grades and the certificate itself.
It's been 8 academic papers, 8 reports on classes we observed, 5 classes in which we were observed (the first was a mock, but I got nervous anyway) plus the 5 corresponding self-appraisals, and the input sessions of the course, obviously.
We all had been informed that it was a demanding course, but, to be sincere, it was harder than I expected. Exactly because I've always been a good and organized student (and modest, for sure), I thought I wouldn't have much trouble. Besides, I'm an experienced teacher and I love writing. However, every time I had to get feedback on a paper I even dreaded opening the email! What's more, after some sessions or some feedback on the classes we taught, I had the impression that I knew nothing and everything I had been doing was wrong!
It could have been worse, of course, I'm proud to say I never spent a sleepless night to do the papers for the ICELT (although I dreamed about it a few times) and I always managed to have them done at least a few days in advance. But I did hit the computer and the printer a thousand times as they didn't work when they should. And I did think about quiting the course a couple of times. And I did get angry and cry many times. And all my friends know I was stressed because of this course.
Was it worth? Well, paraphrasing Fernando Pessoa, "everything is worthwhile"... I certainly learned many things and raised my awareness about what I have been doing in class, besides getting to know nice people that I hope to keep in touch with. Will I take the DELTA? No, thanks.
So, you're probably thinking that now I'll just relax, right? Not really, I've just taken the test for a post-graduation course in translation that I intend to start next year!